Smile. Life comes and goes :)

November 30, 2009

These I have Loved

These I have loved:
Creamy chocolate, melted to form your eyes,
Dark, delicious, desirable;
Hands to hold; Face to caress;
Your voice, soundly singing off key,
Like a symphony playing two different songs;
A smile, so simple, like the sun,
Lights my life;
The smell of peppermint lingering,
Dancing its way through the threads of my clothes,
As you breathe on my shoulder;
Your wink, a spark heard only by me,
From across a room;
Our nerves tast our excitement;
Old spice, a nice greeting for old friends,
From cologne to nose;
Your back towards me, as you walk away,
A promise:
To see each other soon;
All these have been my loves.

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