Smile. Life comes and goes :)

December 01, 2009

what. the. hell.

i went to the "gastro..whatever" specialist today. The PA that was helping me....pretty much one of the dumbest and most retarded bitch I think I've met. I told her my entire medical history since July, and how it was progressively getting worse, and that I'm losing a considerably large amount of weight. Yeah. guess what she said to me?
"Oh, Mary Jane, we really don't want to do anything at the current moment. We think this whole ill process is a way for your body to get better. We really think that whatever digestive problem you had is getting better. But I mean..if you want to run a scoping test, I'm sure there is no harm in that."
What a dumb bitch. First of all: I don't have a digestive track problem. Second of all: I am most definately not getting better if I'm still losing weight I'm weak, and sick, and still have reoccuring chest pains. Third of all: that the whole reason we went to that specialist was to get a stupid scoping test because the emergency room wanted me to. Fourth of all: You're a bitch. She had this whole tone of voice that made it seem like i didn't know any better, and that I was making all of this stuff up, and that it's far too "atypical" to really nail anything down and that all the pain and suffering I'm going through is a way to keep getting better. Well, miss-know-it-all-bitch, you won't be saying the same thing if I end up with another attack, or i completely vanish because I go under 100 pounds XP.

that is all.


Ruthie said...

i am so worried about you, you have no idea...

AzNcHiCK said...

i wish you were here. i miss you soo much. come back? kthanks.

Kick-butt soccer star said...

wait......ahhhhh! whats been going on??

AzNcHiCK said...

i'm sick. basically.