I feel like life won't continue until I either A: start college this fall, or B: tell the guy I want to be with, that I want to be with him.
I feel like life isn't being just. I'm doing all I can to be productive (enough) to last through the summer. Two jobs. I applied for a third? Starting piano lessons again. Getting ready for competition. Catching up on some reading and doing some math/anatomy stuff...
I feel like life might not move forward until I get married...which scares me. I've been thinking about nothing but marriage for the past month..should a girl my age really be doing that? It's almost as if the world is telling me I'm behind on the times. That I should've had a boyfriend by now, and I should be married within the year. But is that really how it should be? Because, unfortunately, my mind and my heart are telling me yes. And because of all this marriage hype..
I feel like I'm not doing enough to put myself out there and actually find a guy. Maybe that's because I already have a guy in mind, and I don't want him to know. Because I'll know I'll be rejected, let down, treated like a silly teenage girl with a dream, and nothing more. But that gut instinct is killing me...this prompting to tell him..but I can't!
I will. No. I won't. Yes. I will. No, he'll think I'm strange and won't talk to me any more. No, he wouldn't do that. Yes, he might. Mary Jane, get a hold of yourself, you're not in high school anymore, just tell him. No, I can't stand the rejection. Not after all I've already been through. I don't need that drama on top of everything else that's going on.
But I really do want to get married...after all..most of my cousins were my age when they got married. I feel ready. I feel like the next step is family. I need that companionship. I want to have kids. Yes of course I'm still gonna be in college, and I won't have kids until after I start working at the hospital. After my Bachelor's maybe? But it needs to happen. I've prayed about it, and I feel that's the "real" next step.
I want to finally hold those beautiful babies in my arms, be the mother I'm meant to be, and just complete my life. Look into the gorgeous eyes of my children, help them grow, become amazing people...I want to come home, make dinner, fall into the arms of my beloved, and just..be happy. And when I imagine all the guys in my life who could possibly be a candidate..only one pops into my mind with a snap of the finger. I can't help feeling that it may be him. Just maybe....
I need to grow some lady-balls, man up, and just tell him.
But I won't.
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