Smile. Life comes and goes :)

July 11, 2012

For You Crazy Lovers

For the crazy lovers out there
That wished on a star, but never came true
That cried in the shower when nobody's home
That suffocated a pillow from hugging so tight
That went on drives just to clear your minds
For the crazy lovers out there
That hoped with everything they had
That endlessly prayed for a miracle
That watched chick flicks just to live vicariously
That pondered the ups and downs of being forever alone
For the crazy lovers out there
That hold their chins up high
That know that one day they will come along
That want but know they must wait
That have figured out that it's just not the time
For the crazy lovers out there
That end a chapter and realize there's more to the book
That can feel the end of the drought nearing
That constantly perfect themselves for their future spouse
That can see the light at the end of the tunnel
Endure to the end
Because they are out there, trying their best to get to you as quickly as they can. 

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