Smile. Life comes and goes :)

October 20, 2011

Don't Call.

So, I'm kind of feeling like an idiot right now. This guy I really like...let's call him in a choir of mine. And I seriously think he's the best guy I've met in college. We've hung out once outside of class, and it was pretty good. Nothing special. Just a movie with a bunch of other friends. But I've been feeling the need to ask him on a date for the past week. So I tried today.

It took me about..oh, I'd say 3 hours to get the guts up just to call him.

And of course, he didn't answer. So I just left a ridiculous message on his phone. And he hasn't called back yet. Now, I know he's busy and that he has a life and all, but I'm just feeling very vulnerable right now. It's been an hour or so. And usually he takes a LONG time to get back. But still. I kind of wish I didn't do anything.

I'm worried that he'll say no. But I'm even more worried that he won't call back.

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