Smile. Life comes and goes :)

September 09, 2011

Dreaming Nonsense

The other night, I had a dream that an unrelated (as in not blood-related) cousin of mine asked me to marry him. I had no idea who he was, or that he even liked me before then. And for some stupid reason, I said yes. I started spending more time with him, and I just...had to learn to like him. It was kind of bizarre. But I felt like I was cheating on him, because I just wanted to be with what's-his-face (the one every one wants to punch). But I was going to go through with the marriage any way.

Luckily, for me, this cousin doesn't actually exist. My messed up subconscious made him up.

Usually, (but only recently), I don't remember my dreams. And the one's I do remember...I feel like I need to pay attention, because they've got to be there for some reason. And usually I'm right. The dreams I remember end up telling me something important about my future. But what I don't understand is what this one is trying to tell me.

I need some psychological help. Where's Joseph when you need him?

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