Smile. Life comes and goes :)

August 31, 2011


So, for my Dance 1075 class, I have to make up a 1-minute piece. It's supposed to be a self-portrait, and it's due on friday. I've created my dance, but I'm not too sure how I feel about it just yet. Proud that it's expressive, or depressed because what I'm dancing is true...

I don't even know if I like it. I'll have to video it and post it up sometime...

There is a lot of pushing away, dragging my feet, spinning in circles...etc

Oh, and apparently a lot of chest movement, according to one of my classmates. "You really like to express with your chest."

It'll be interesting. Solos and all....

ps. i have a crush on a boy named tyler :) I've always like the name tyler. :D I've been looking for an excuse to name a son tyler, because it would've been weird to do so, since zack's middle name was tyler. but now that i've found a cute boy to pin it on, i'm good!

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