I personally think it's about time to reveal the woes of my past relationship.
I think I really am completely over it. But just to make sure, I need to get it all out of my system on this. I think it'll really help. That way I feel like I'm not just bottling up what happened in my soul. It's out in the open and any one can see what h
appened if they really wanted. This is going to be an extremely long post. And more than likely, no one is going to get through it all. But at least I will.
I met Zack in London, July 6th, 2009. Well, more like the airport in SLC, but I never talked to him until London. I didn't think much of him. At first glance to me, he wasn't that all attractive. Really tall, big nose, big head, a little on the h
eavy side, dark hair, dark eyes. Not at all my type. So I didn't pay much attention to him at all. First conversation w
e had, I think, was that I was allergic to seafood, and that's w
hy I wouldn't eat fish and chips. So I ordered sausage and chips instead, and he ended up eating half of my food. Then I didn't talk to him again until a week later in Switzerland. He was still...weird to me. Too weird.

But when we got to Germany another week later, he began to grow on me. I realized he was really funny, kind of a sweetheart, and just...all around different. I got a crinkle (in case you don't know what that it, is the miniature version of a crush). I felt my first stab of jealously when I saw him leaning up against the wall over my best friend on tour, Natisha. I wished I was her. But I didn't say anything. I remember her coming ba
ck to my room, asking what was going on between her and Zack, especially since I knew that he already had a girlfriend back home. She said nothing, and, if I remember correctly, she hoped nothing would. And I kind of took that a
s the okay to flirt with him for the next week in Greece, as everyone else, including Natisha, flew back home to Utah.
Greece was amazing. And I think even more so becau
se I was completely infatuated. My little crinkle blew into a crush. I wished, then, that he wouldn't have had a girlfriend. I felt terrible... like the "other woman." But I couldn't help falling for him. He was hilarious, had fairly good insight, and was easy to make fun of. And he was kind. He endured 2-3 hours worth of shopping around in the Plaka in Athens with me just to find one dress, and a pair of sandals. We snuck off together, went to the roof of the hotel, and played in the mist showers, took naps in
the sun, and looked at the Parthenon as the sun set into darkness.
I remember on our drive back to the hotel, we were listening to our iPods,
comparing music, and he could not stop making fun of how sissy and girly my music was. (Boy did that change).
He also bought a bracelet in Greece that I just LOVE
D and wanted for my own, so I would steal it, and we'd alw
ays have a game at trying to get it back, even on the several plane rides home. We had lunch together during our 6 hour layovers in Detroit, and rode the Red express train back and forth through the airport, and played Ninja Destruction on the moving sidewalks.
When we finally got back into Salt Lake, he gave me his number, and told me I'd better text him, gave me a hug, and I assumed that was going to be it. But I texted him the next day, around 2 or 3 in the morning. Both of our sleep cycles were destroyed by jetlag. So we texted all night, nonstop. Asking questions, getting to know each other a little better, joke around a bit. I think we got to sending almost 1000 texts to each other a
day. It was insane.
Then we started to have Reunions with everyone from Europe, and I remember being just..so depressed. Natisha was always at the re
unions, and I could tell that Zack really liked her. Like u
sual, I was second. Sloppy second, never first. I cried myself to sleep for a while. But I was always the one talking to Zack, not Natisha. And after a few weeks, Zack told me he thought he had more feelings for me. We hung out more, he came to my house, I went to his. We attended football games, and so on. Finally, on August 20th, 20
09, we decided to officially become a couple. Through text, no less. I wasn't too pleased
, but it was better than nothing.
But I didn't know he hesitated to become my boyfriend because he was still with his exgirlfriend, doing God know's what
with her... He was no virgin. I know that. But I looked passed that, and thought that maybe this guy was worth it.
On August 22nd, 2009, we had another reunion, thi
s time at Natisha's house. I thought everything was going to be perfectly fine..until we got there. Zack was all over he
r, flirting with her, tickling her, stealing her phone, pulling her close, having his arm around her while watching a movie...all in front of me. I was s
o pissed, upset, and betrayed. How could he, only 2 days into our relationship?
I pulled him off of her and took him and Mikelle home that night...I didn't say a word to him, and I swore the rest of the way home. Mikelle was shocked, obviously. She had never heard me swear like a mad sailor before. I didn't just bawl that night. I was hysterical. The tears would not stop. I called my best friend, Ruthie, and asked her what I should do. I don't really remember her opinion...but I remember ca
lling Natis
ha, and told her the situation. She felt horrible. I called Zack and told him what he did.
His excuse? Old habit. I was so angry. But I decided that it would just be pointless to give up on the relationship now. So I forgave him, told him I'll get over it eventually, and look past it for the time being. What a stupid mistake.
Things were shaky for a bit. I had a hard time trusting him, but I tried. The relationship in itself was hard to maintain, especially since he didn't have a car, or a license for that fact. Zack was 5 months older, and I was designated driver. I
drove to West Jordan and back to Bountiful every single day. It was exhausting, especially in my '82 Ford Truck that couldn't go faster than 55 miles an hour. But we made it work.
In November 2009, I found out that he was still in contact with his exgirlfriend, and her best friend, Laura. I also found out that he used to like Laura, so obviously, I wasn't comfortable with the situation. For my birthday, w
e all went to Vegas to celebrate, and I told him one morning that I thought he should just lay off talking to them for a couple weeks just so I can get myself together and see what I was really okay with.
But also....something amazing happened in Vegas. We were on Fremont....looking at the LED light show that they have. "Born to be Wild" was the song they played that year. I remember looking up at Zack through my camera, taking a picture, and realizing that there was no one else I wanted in the world. Just him. That he could be the one. I fell in love with him, but I didn't want to say I loved him just yet...That's why we came up with the term "Luvke." inbetween like and love.

A couple weeks passed, and I finally decided that I just could not have Zack talking to those two girls, especially with how much of a flirt he was, and his history with those girls. He agreed, and I thought the problem was settled.
Now, I started getting sick. Really sick. I missed most of my junior year. I had always known I had a heart problem, but I never knew the severity of it until that year. I was in the emergency room almost every weekend, maybe a couple times every other week as well, just for the pain that I was having. If I could compare the pain to anything...think heart attack. But even though I was in the hospital so much......I had to beg Zack to come visit me. I just wanted the one person I loved the most to be there in my hour of need, and he would always say he's busy watching movies, or
playing pool, or sledding with his friends. Maybe
it's me.....but I don't think I need to beg...and I don't think a boyfriend should grudgingly visit his girlfriend after she's come out of the hospital.
Then in December 2009/January 2010, I found out that he was talking to his ex and Laura again. Behind my back. My trust was already shot, and this made it worse. But I loved him enough to tell him I'll look past it, and just make sure he didn't do it again. But things never really recovered for us. Sure, we loved each ot
her...at least from my point of view....and we hung out every day, did almost everything imaginable in Utah. But we fought a lot. Mainly because I can be picky, but also because he was doing things he shouldn't have been doing....hanging out with girls he liked alone....back talking me to his friends....letting his friends call me such horrid names....and I was scared I was going to lose him. I was so stupid.
So, for spring break, I decided it would be good for us to just...get away. So I took him to New York. We spent the week there, just the two of us, at my aunt's house. Going all over the city. And everything seemed to be okay. I remember talking to him a couple days before we were going to fly home....and he said he planned on breaking up as soon as we got back. But for some reaso
n, we didn't. But our fights weren't getting any better. After he graduated high school, we were going to go on another trip to the grand canyon with my family. But our fight was so bad....we broke up for the weekend.
To get things out of the dark, yes. Zack
was a little violent. I got a few bruises. He said awful things to me. But I remember the time I was most scared of zack...I was sitting in his computer chair in his room during our fight, and he was so enraged, he got up tipped my chair almost all the way back and was just....shaking me. His eyes.....I can't forget the look in his eyes. As if he'd like nothing better than to just take a knife to me.
And let the records show that Zack is 6'2" and about 220 pounds. At that point, I was only 5'3" and 100 pounds. He was more than twice my size.
Anyway, back to the story. During our 3
day break...he decided to go clubbing, had a contest with his friends to see how many girls they could dance with, and he won. And swore he wouldn't get back with me. But he did...
I remember talking to him. Deciding whether to break up or not. I tried to keep us together, but for a brief part of the conversation, we were content on staying apart. And I remember him..crying. One of the only times I saw that. I asked him why.
"I'm going to miss this. I'm going to mis
s your face, your hair, your little quirk you have in your fingers as if you're always playing the piano, your scar on your shoulder, your beautiful eyes, our fun together..I'm going to miss us."
And that about broke my heart. It was one of the only times I made a boy cry. And I felt awful.
We did end up going to Grand Canyon together. And like usual, or family got into a fight, and my dad almost attacked me, and Zack, being as loving as he could be, was about to jump in front of me and take my own father down. And I just loved him even more for that. This was in June of 2010.
June 28th is his birthday. I did everything I could to make it amazing. 18 is a big deal, I guess. I took him horseback riding, we had a romantic night....I did everything that made him happy. But I also was finding out around that same time that he was talking to Laura again, behind my back. I was frustrated. But I tried to look past it, like usual. But things went all wrong at his family's birthday dinner.
I wasn't feeling well, but I knew I had to go. So I tried to suck it up. I was already upset about Laura, but I tried to suck it up. But at dinner, Zack decided to ignore me through out all of dinner. So I was upset. I went to a restaurant that served mainly seafood while I was sick and upset just for him, and he ignore me. I had to excuse myself so I could go cry in the bathroom. I came back, and Zack tried to act all concerned for me, and as we got up to leave, he tried to put his arm around my waste like he usually did....but I refused. And to this day, I still wish I hadn't.....and I don't know why.
That night, his family got into a huge fight, and Zack was instructed to take me back to his house. I didn't talk to him on the drive over, and I figured the best thing for him was just to leave him alone, so as soon as we got back to his house, I just sat on the curb, called my mom, and asked for her to pick me up. Zack came out of the house, yelled at me..telling me how ridiculous I was, how I ruined everything, how awful of a person I was, and I believed him. So I just started walking down the street to give him space. Halfway down, he pulled up to me in his car, telling me that I better get in. And of course...I was scared, so I got in. We fought and we hardly got to Redwood Road when he decided that It was time for me to get out.
And he left me there. On Redwood Road at 9:00 at night, by myself, in West Jordan. He went back to his stepmom's place. I ran after his car, scared to death. I was in a short dress, and already getting cat calls from guys across the street. I ran as best as I could without my heart giving out. I only got from 7000 s to 7800 s when I was getting calls from everyone. My mom and dad, his mom and dad, and his step brother and step sister. All of them telling me they are trying to calm Zack down, trying to help me out, trying to keep the relationship alive...but I already knew I was at a loss.
We didn't talk for a couple days after that. And finally, I came over to apologize to him, and we planned the day of our official break up. July 21st, 2010. A day after our 11 month anniversary.
The days leading up to our anniversary were bittersweet. The night before...I found out he was going to visit Laura. I was uncomfortable, but I couldn't do anything. I asked, for my sake, that he'd leave by midnight. And he agreed. When midnight rolled around, I called and asked if he had left yet.
"um, no, I haven't. I lost Cinder, I have to find her." Cinder was his new puppy he adopted from the Humane society. I got worried. I didn't want Zack out alone on the street looking for Cinder at such a late hour. I wanted to at least help. But as soon as I called back, his phone was off. I was scared, worried to death about his safety, so I did what I did best with him, and cried. Finally around 3 in the morning, he turns his phone back on, and I asked what happened.
"Oh, I didn't really lose Cinder. I was still at Laura's. I just didn't want to have to deal with you, especially because I wanted to stay longer with her. "
It hurt. we only had one more night together, and this was how he wanted to end it.
Our date that day was....
We went to "Jump On It" in Lindon. He made me a bunny at build-a-bear with a personalized voicebox in it.
"I love you, Mary Jane." That's what I hear every time I press it's paw. And it's a lie. Right now, it's hidden somewhere underneath all my other stuffed animals in a loft above my room by the attic. I don't have the heart to take it down. Though I'd really love to mail it back to him...that would make my day.
Then our relationship was "over." But that didn't stop us from hanging out. We became friends with benefits. But he was very rude to me ever since.
I decided that one night in my life, I just needed to be bad. So I snuck out, and met him at 1 in the morning. We went to walmart, got some food, and went back to his house. We stayed up all night....and I was happy, kind of. Not really. Around 9 o'clock, he started ignoring me again. So I went out and sat on the curb in front of his house, and cried in the pouring rain. I came back in, and we started fighting again. Then finally, he said something that cut deep.
"No Mary Jane, I don't love you. I love Laura."
I ran. Ran to my car, and drove. All I wanted to do at that point was just get in a car accident and kill myself. I was suicidal. I had been before, but I had never been so close to committing....
So I drove myself to my mom's work and told her to take me to the hospital.
I was on house arrest for a month or so. Forced to see a therapist. Forced to take antidepressants. Antidepressants that kept me up, which is no good since I already have 2 sleeping disorders.
The first day of my senior year, he came over with our parents to formally end things. We said our goodbyes, and had a pact that we were not allowed to make contact with each other for at least 90 days.
I was 95 pounds. When I first met Zack, I was 128. I dropped 33 pounds because of him. the last 15 within a week.
I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I threw up everything. And when I did sleep, I dreamt of Zack. Nightmares. Him telling me how awful I was, breaking my heart over and over again, and even some of us fighting to the point where he actually killed me. I slept with my mom for a month. At least. I lost my best friend. I lost the man I thought I was going to marry. We had talked about it after all. If we were both graduated from highschool, and we were still together, than we might as well.
I cried every day. I was miserable. And I found that I was completely alone with out him. I didn't have any friends at school because I had secluded my life to just him in my Junior year.
It took a while, but I was starting to become happy again. I started dating Justin Tingey. Sure, it was just for a bet of his, but his crap kinda helped me get over Zack's crap.
And then my birthday came. November 18th, 2010, Zack contacted me.
"Happy Birthday =)" word. for. word. ha. I remember opening my phone, seeing the number and then the message....and I just cried. Of everything in the world, Zack was the one to bring me to my hands and knees just because he said happy birthday. And I started talking to him again. I said thanks, asked how life was.....and everything just started up again, but we never put a title back on ourselves. Open relationship: I HATE THEM. He came over that night to watch the Hangover with me and Amanda, while every one else when to the Harry Potter 7 pt 1 premier. And as soon as he left, I cried again. Amanda thought I was stupid to let him come over, and she was right.
Zack texted me a week after that telling me that I should go for him again. I already was. We started going on dates again, started hanging out almost every day again. For Christmas, he got me a replacement treble clef necklace made out of 10 karat diamonds. I ended up being allergic to it, haha. On new years, I lost the promise ring he had bought me a half a year back. And he promised to get me a new one.
But I was having problems with Laura. Zack talked to her constantly. He said he didn't like her anymore. But I didn't believe that.
We had planned a date one night. He was going to take me ice skating, because I had to practice for my competency test, but he called last minute and said he was feeling sick. I found out the next morning on facebook that he spent the night with Laura and her friends instead. We moved our date to monday. But he called monday and said that he couldn't go. He had to go home and watch a game with his dad. I remember telling him that he'd better be telling the truth. That I didn't want to find out later that he was actually sneaking over to Laura's behind my back. He promised he wasn't.
His promises mean nothing. He came over on tuesday. We sat on my bed and watched 500 days of summer, I think. So..serendipitous. That was our first date..we went to go see that movie in theaters, haha. Everything seemed alright. We flirted, we kissed, he tickled me. The usual. he went home. An hour later, I get a text message.
"I have to be honest with you. I have been seeing Laura behind your back. I love her. I did go see her yesterday, I just wanted to be with her. Last saturday, we cuddled, and we kissed. I'm not stopping what's happening between me and Laura. We're over."
None of my friends know the pain I went through that night. I screamed. I clawed myself. I tore up my own artwork. Zack and I were so close...emotionally and, sadly, we got a little too far physically. And to have to find out I was losing him to Laura, once again....I didn't want to live.
Every one at school knew something was up. I couldn't hide it. I cried through all of my classes.
Choir was hard. Chamber was hard. We were having auditions for the Valentine's concert, and Joe Maloy and I were practicing "Stolen" by Dashboard Confessional. It's Zack and my song. I was going to sing it for him for the concert as a surprise. And I didn't think I could go through with the audition. But I didn't want to hold back that chance for Joe either. So I went ahead an auditioned with that song. And yes, we did get the spot in the concert, and we were awesome.
But I didn't have closure with Zack. He wasn't answering my phone calls, so I called from my mother's phone.
"Zack, I need to talk to you."
He sighed, "No, I don't want to talk."
Usually, my rash decisions are pretty good. So I went with it. I had my mom drive my over to the place he was currently living (with friends), and knocked. He answered and asked me what I was doing there.
"Oh, it's you. Why are you here?"
"I need closure. You can't expect to have you're last word through text."
"well that's too bad. because I did."
"Look, can we just talk in private?"
"No." Keep in mind this was in front of about 8 friends of his. I tried to grab his arm to pull him down stairs, but he gripped my wrist instead.... He twisted my arm back behind me, and it killed. The pain was excruciating. I screamed. And his friends tried to get him off me, but he just would not let go. And I was definitely not strong enough to get him off of me. So I bit him. Hard enough to make him release a little out of reflex, but not hard enough to hurt him. I took a few steps back, gave his 10 karat diamond necklace to some friend, and ran off.
And I felt good. I went to his step brother's house. Told him what happened, said my goodbyes, and went to Zack's dad's house to get everything I painted for zack back. I loved those paintings, and I wanted them. I didn't want them to lay wasted in the back of his closet. It was the closure I needed.
Sure, I was heartbroken. Sure, I cried a little more. But I got over it more quickly this time.
I still think about him sometimes. As much as he hurt me, I still hope he's happy with Laura. I hope that they have a better relationship than we did. Because I know that my next boyfriend and I will have a much better relationship.
I love Zack....but it's just so hard to picture us together. I find it weird that we were even together. I just can't see it. At all. we look weird, and awkward.
I did see him at an ADTR concert. Back in March. That freaked me out. Made me a little mad, but because of him, I got a free VIP box ticket during the concert. So it was for the better. :)
He did contact me a month or so ago. Telling me I was immature for sending his family a graduation announcement. Haha, I politely told him that he was the one being immature, and that I didn't want him making contact with me again.
I haven't been so happy....since Europe of 2009. New life, new people. Whether anything starts with a certain some of them or not, who knows? At least I can honestly say that yes, I have baggage, but I have no need to carry it. I left it at the airport and plan on using whatever comes to me.
I don't regret Zack. I'm not ashamed of Zack. Zack taught me to grow up. He showed me everything I didn't want in my future husband. And I'm glad that he's not the one I'm going to marry.
That and I don't cry as much as I used to. Except for during really good movies... :)
I love life. I love life without Zack. I love life with the people I have in it.
I barely think about him anymore. I felt bad the other day because it's been more than a week since his birthday, and I completely forgot that it even happened. Haha. I guess that's just good news though.
I really am over him. I'm proud of myself. And I've been ready for the next chapter in my life to start for months now.
So future husband, it would be very much appreciated if you would show yourself now :) Because I'm almost ready.