Smile. Life comes and goes :)

July 11, 2011

1 box down

I finally finished packing my first box for college today. It's not even going to college with me. It's staying in the garage. But at least it's done. That's one box down, and a ton more to go. I didn't know I had so much crap in my room, and in my room alone.

I also signed up for some institute classes today to fill up the rest of my summer. I have doctrine and covenants on mondays and wednesdays, and jubilation choir on tuesdays and thursday with the special ed kids :) I'm excited to work with them.

And then I have dance tuesdays-thursdays, and piano on mondays, so my week is pretty much full, thank goodness. I'm starting to get really bored with life. Especially now that a certain some one is out of it...kind of.

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