Smile. Life comes and goes :)

July 03, 2011


Soft blankets.
Fluffy pillows.
Damp grass in an open field, just down the hill a ways.
Just him and me and my laptop with a movie.
Nothing but the vast open world above.
Twinkling stars light the night.
80% of my pheromones emit from the top of my head? Really?
Stars turn to eyes. Beautiful.
Passionate. Thrilling. Uncontrollable.
Warm, soft lips.
Itchy mustache.
Dawn approaches.
The stars fade.
Not wanting it to end.
But I must return to that place where all of this seems impossible.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

love it! you should call soon so i can hear alllll about your night.

also, new blog URL: